Born right here in New Mexico, I was raised on the family dairy farm. Coming into a family of dairy farmers, I learned from a young age the value of hard work and determination. With the grit instilled in me by my family and upbringing to overcome challenges in life, I traveled to Lubbock to attend college, graduating from Texas Tech, then came home to earn my law degree from the University of New Mexico. After being admitted to the New Mexico State Bar, I returned to my roots and now work for Rajen Dairy as legal counsel.
At twenty-six years old, I see a New Mexico that has great potential, but incompetent elected officials and a status quo mindset continues to hold us back. With my New Mexico roots and Conservative values, I am ready to flip the First Congressional District and return common sense Republican leadership to the halls of Congress.
I look around New Mexico and see hardworking families struggling to make ends meet. From skyrocketing healthcare costs to limited opportunities for high paying, quality jobs – New Mexicans need life to be a little bit easier. In Congress, I will be a champion for our middle class and every single New Mexican who seeks something better. We need to see a middle-income tax cut, lower healthcare costs for all while keeping quality care readily accessible, and restore dignity to the American political discourse.
At the core of my dedication to serving the state I love is helping open the door to growth and reform. Government can play a role in helping those who need a helping hand, but it should not control our lives and businesses. That's socialism and it simply does not work. I will work to curb burdensome regulations and support small business owners so they can grow and prosper right here in New Mexico. We must reform the big government systems that are failing us and cut through the bureaucracy to truly bring change to Washington and New Mexico.